Fairtrade seal at Schoppe

The Fairtrade certificate is one of the most well-known certification seals in trade relationships. Schoppe Instant Beverages also offers its customers the possibility of buying specific products with the Fairtrade seal. Find out what the seal really means, which criteria need to be fulfilled, and how the Fairtrade seal benefits you in this trade chain.

Significance of the Fairtrade seal

The word Fairtrade means exactly what it says, fair trade. The Fairtrade Foundation aims to promote fair conditions in global trade and to create a balanced economic system. To achieve this, specific social, environmental and economic Fairtrade standards were developed, and merchants and trade chains must comply with them to be able to use the Fairtrade seal. The association aims to support all parties in the production and supply chain, right down to the smallholders and workers.  


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Criteria for Fairtrade certification

The Fairtrade seal guarantees fairly cultivated products and raw materials, which are traded under fair conditions and are physically traceable, etc.. Specific considerations need to be fulfilled, which are focused, for instance, on general human rights and other verifiable criteria. The TransFair association defines the core requirements that need to be met by all producers. In addition, there are particular development needs, which aim to improve the working conditions of producers and help to implement sustainable environmental protection measures.

Take a look here at the core criteria that need to be met for Fairtrade certification:

H3: Social aspects:

  • Ban on discrimination
  • Ban on child labour
  • Regulated working conditions
  • Plantation support by trade union organisation
  • Support for smallholders and workers

H3: Environmental criteria:

  • Environmentally friendly cultivation
  • Natural resources must be protected
  • No hazardous pesticides may be used
  • No genetically modified seeds
  • Organic farming is promoted by the organic premium 

H3: Economic criteria:

Validity and inspection

The certification company FLOCERT GmbH checks compliance with all Fairtrade standards on location and intervenes in the event of discrepancies. Regular inspections that are both announced and unannounced take place. The period of validity may vary; however, this is always noted on the Fairtrade certificate.

Schoppe products with certificates

At Schoppe, you can have your private label product produced in compliance with certification requirements and have it labelled with the Fairtrade seal, as Schoppe Instant Beverages holds the Fairtrade International certificate for the following categories:

  • Fairtrade seal cocoa and sugar
  • Fairtrade seal coffee

Unser Fairtrade Zertifikat herunterladen

The benefits of having the Fairtrade seal on your instant beverage

Besides contributing to fairer global trade and fair production conditions, the Fairtrade seal can boost the positive image of your brand, thereby helping to increase sales.  As verified by the consumer organisation Stiftung Warentest in 2016, the Fairtrade seal offers a high level of credibility among consumers. It is a recognised and established quality seal in trade. Other market research institutes also emphasise the high profile and confidence in the seal.

In recent years, a clear trend has been identified among German consumers towards more conscious social and sustainable purchase decisions. Consequently, the sales figures of Fairtrade products have also risen steadily in the past few years. In 2019, goods with the Fairtrade seal passed the 2 billion euro mark for the first time. For cocoa, the proportion of fair-traded raw ingredients increased to 79,000 tonnes in 2019, which is an increase of 45 % from 2018 and represents a market share of 17 %. 
(Source: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/226517/umfrage/fairtrade-umsatz-in-deutschland/ and www.ksta.de)


If you have any questions about the Fairtrade seal or wish to have a certified Private Label Instant Beverages produced, you can contact our experts for advice at any time!

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